• Description

    Il corso antincedio avanzato per squadre di emergenza è strutturato per fornire un addestramento antincendio avanzato per il personale impiegato nella squadra di emergenza.
    Il corso è composto da un parte teorica e da un addestramento pratico durante i quali ai corsisti sarà richiesto di dimostrare il loro livello di comprensione dei contenuti del programma di addestramento.

  • Course program

    Theoretical Aspects


    • Fire triangle
    • Fuels and their characteristics
    • Flashpoint temperature, ignition temperature, flammable range
    • Activation energy: examples of ignition sources
    • Combustion products: light, heath, smoke, combustion gases
    • Reference to the products of combustion (CO- CO2 ) and their effects on men
    • Fuel classification
    • Extinguishing agents and their characteristics
    • Intervention potentialities in relations to the available means
    • Examination of different emergency situations




    • Specific fire prevention measures
    • Main precautions to prevent fires:
    • Importance of work environment control
    • Importance of checks and measures to prevent fires


    Active and passive protection


    • Fixed or movable installations
    • Detection: smoke, heath and light detectors
    • Compartmentalization
    • Escape routes
    • Materials reaction to fire


    Emergency Plan


    • Procedures to be adopted when a fire is discovered
    • Procedures to be adopted in case of alert
    • Evacuation procedures
    • Call for emergency services
    • Collaboration with the fire service in case of intervention


    Personal Protective Equipment


    • Protection devices and use
    • Protective clothing
    • Airway protection:
    • Air composition and negative consequences of a low presence of oxygen
    • Breathable air
    • Anti-gas masks, dust masks, filters choice, limitations, breathing apparatus
    • Description, autonomy and use of air-injection breathing apparatus.
    • Head, face, eyes and hands protection


    Practical session


    • Fire extinction with powder extinguisher on a 4.5 sqm rectangular tank
    • Fire extinction with powder extinguisher on a 9 sqm circular tank
    • Fire extinction with CO2  extinguisher on an electric box in a closed environment
    • Extinction of a pressurized liquid (inclined plane) with powder extinguisher
    • Extinction of a pressurized liquid (flange coupling) with powder extinguisher
    • Intervention simulations with the emergency team
    • Fire extinction on a circular tank and leakage from flange coupling with powder extinguisher and water fog
    • Test in training tank to check claustrophobia
    • Practical intervention in a closed environment filled with non-toxic smoke to check the correct use of respiratory protective devices, stressing situations, specific sounds: noise, cries, explosions (supervision and monitoring through infrared cameras)
    • Practical sessions with self-protector for air optimization through:
    • Conveyor belt (tapis roulant)
    • Multi-speed ladder
    • dynamometer
    • Practical session (rescue simulation) in a multi-storey building with smoke and heat
    • Intervention in case of under pressure gas leak
    • Fire extinction on a road tanker
    • Fire extinction of leak from a “Rack” placed at more than 4meter height, with powder extinguisher and water fog (leak on a footbridge at the basis of the Rack)
    • How a high and medium-expansion foam system works
    • Extinction of 100 sqm fires with foam agents
    • Fire tunnel crossing with the use of aluminized and thermoreflective suits
  • Next dates

    Weekly frequency

  • Certification


  • Prerequisites


  • Purpose

    To provide theoretical instructions on fire risks and practical preparation concerning a correct use of equipment and a correct management of events requiring the internal emergency team intervention

  • Conducted by

    Instructors with a multi-year experience in the petrochemical and petroleum fields,
    Expert in operational practice and training activity in large industrial groups

  • Contents

    Theoretical Aspects


    Fire prevention

    Active and passive protection

    Emergency plan

    Personal protective equipment


    Practical sessions:

    Intervention procedures

    Practical training with fire simulators and fire extinction through: powder, water, carbon dioxide and foaming agents

    Practical session in the training gallery in conditions of: smoke, darkness, heath (with breathing apparatus)

    Practical session in a multi-storey building

    Use of thermo reflective outfit

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