• Description

    The course provides employees’ safety representatives with the right competences and knowledge to perform their duties.

  • Course program

    Theoretical aspects


    • New instruction (legislative decree 106,2009 which integrates legislative decree 81,2008)
    • News concerning health surveillance
    • Roles of employees in charge of company safety
    • DUVRI and procurement courses
    • Safety representatives ‘role in relation to the company safety organisation
    • Responsibilities and organisation
    • Concept of safety management system
    • Evaluation of work-related stress risk: operational and control aspects
  • Next dates

    to be defined

  • Certification


  • Prerequisites

    Course for emloyees safety representative-new appointment

  • Purpose

    To provide the safety representative with a refresher course on knowledge and competences suitable for the role

  • Conducted by

    According to the different themes, the course will be conducted by personnel with documented experience in the field of training, prevention, safety and health in work environments

  • Contents

    Theoretical aspects

    The course includes what is established by the article 37 of legislative decree n.81,2008 and its subsequent modifications


    Final tests to verify the competences

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