• Description

    The course provides employees in charge with the right competeces and knowledge necessary to perform their duties.

  • Course program

    Theoretical aspects


    Module 1. Law and regulatory framework (4 hours)

    • Law references concerning employee’s safety
    • Supervisory bodies and inspection procedures
    • Company prevention subjects according to Legislative decree n.81, 2008: tasks, obligations, responsibilities and insurance protection
    • Delegation of duties
    • Civil and criminal liabilities and insurance protection
    • Administrative responsibility of legal persons, societies and associations, even of associations without legal liability (legislative decree n. 231, 2001 and subsequent modifications)
    • Qualification systems for companies and penalty points in the field of building


    Module 2. Safety management and organisation(4hours)

    • Organisation and management models of health and safety at work (article 30 legislative decree n 81, 2008)
    • Management of the technical and administrative documentation
    • Obligations related to procurement contracts (supply/works contracts)
    • Organisation of fire prevention, first aid and emergency management
    • Organisation of the supervision on work activities and obligations established by paragraph 3 of article 18, legislative decree n 81,2008
    • Prevention and protection manager’s and operators’ roles


    Module 3. Risks Identification and evaluation (4 hours)

    • Risks evaluation and identification criteria
    • Work-related stress risk
    • Risks related to gender, age, origins and contracts differences
    • Interferential risk and risk management in activities under procurement contracts
    • Technical, organisational and procedural measures in terms of prevention and protection (in relation to risks factors)
    • Consideration of near-miss accidents and employees’ participation activities
    • PPE
    • Health surveillance


    Module 4. Employees’ Communication, formation and consultation (4 hours)

    • Competenze relazionali e consapevolezza del ruolo
    • Relational competence and awareness of the role
    • Importance of information, formation and training as tools for company reality knowledge
    • Communication techniques
    • Team work and conflict management
    • Consultation and participation of employees’safety representatives
    • Appointment or election of employees’safety representatives


    Final tests to verify the competences

  • Next dates

    Weekly frequency

  • Certification


  • Prerequisites


  • Purpose

    To provide the safety manager with knowledge and competences necessary to the performance of their tasks

  • Conducted by

    According to the different themes, the course will be conducted by personnel with documented experience in the field of training, prevention, safety and health in work environments

  • Contents

    Theoretical Aspects

    Legal and regulatory framework module (4 hours)

    Safety management and organisation module (4 hours)

    Risks evaluation and identification module (4 hours)

    Communication, formation and employees’ consultation (4 hours)


    Final tests to verify the competences

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