• Description

    The course provides theoretical and practical knowledge on first aid elements in case of accident or medical emergency at sea.

  • Course program


    • General principles
    • Anatomy and physiology notions
    • How to position the injured person
    • Unconscious patient management
    • Resuscitation
    • Haemorrhage
    • Shock management
    • Electrical accidents and burns
    • Rescue and transport
    • Immobilization
  • Next dates

    Course available on request

  • Certification

    Certificate recognized by general command of the Coast Guard

    (only after passing both theoretical and practical tests)

  • Prerequisites

    Inscription to the register “gente di mare” (“seafarers”)

    Valid biennial medical examination

    Passport and medical certificate

  • Purpose

    To provide the personnel with basic knowledge of elementary first aid to intervene in case of accident or medical emergency at sea

  • Conducted by

    Instructors who have been authorized by the general command of the Coast Guard through decree issued by the Minister of infrastructures and transport

  • Contents

    Theoretical/practical aspects

    • General principles
    • Anatomy and physiology notions
    • How to position the injured person
    • Unconscious patient management
    • Resuscitation
    • Haemorrhage
    • Shock management
    • Electrical accidents and burns
    • Rescue and transport
    • Immobilization
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