EMERGENCY RECURRENT TRAINING – ORO.FC. 220/230 Helicopter (Initial/Recurrent Training)

  • Description

    The course is addressed to all the personnel involved in helicopter flights.

    The training session includes theoretical and practical aspects relating to on-board rescue equipment use, survival at sea techniques, emergency handling,use of fire extinguishers and first aid operations.

  • Course program


    Theoretical Aspects

    • What’s combustion? – definition and examples
    • Types of fuel and their characteristics
    • Extinguishing agents and their characteristics


    Practical Session

    • Fire extinction with on-board extinguisher
    • Practical sessions in closed environment (Training gallery) filled with smoke and use of protective airway devices:
    • Environment with variables paths
    • Operation conditions in situations of: darkness, non-toxic smoke, sound and noise (Security checks with infrared camera and instructors’ supervision)


    Survival at sea

    Theoretical Aspects

    • Actions in water:
    • Life raft preparation (video)
    • Life jackets characteristics
    • How to survive in cold water conditions
    • How to help injured people get on a life raft
    • Use of emergency devices
    • Helicopter rescue


    Practical sessions:

    • Survival at sea techniques:
    • Life jackets wearing
    • Entry into water with life jacket and inflation
    • Swimming with life jacket
    • Survival techniques in cold water (HELP position, HUDDLE position, survival circle)
    • Getting on life-rafts in unfavourable weather conditions (rain, waves, darkness)
    • Help people get on the life-raft
    • Survival on board
    • Leaving the life-raft
    • Passengers rescue through rescue line
    • Recovery operations through helicopter and winch
    • How to get out from a cockpit of an helicopter which has crashed into the water (with life jacket)


    First-aid notions:

    Theoretical Aspects

    • First-aid notions in case of :
    • Heart attack
    • cardiac arrest
    • stroke
    • suffocation

    Practical Sessions

    • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  • Next dates

    Weekly frequency

  • Certification

    Apt Safety Group

  • Prerequisites


  • Purpose

    To provide all the delegates with an appropriate training concerning knowledge of on-board life-saving equipment, survival at sea techniques, recovery operations, emergencies management after ditching, fire extinguishers use and first-aid notions

  • Conducted by

    Multi-year experience Instructors

  • Contents


    Theoretical/Practical aspects

    What’s Combustion? Type of extinguishing agents and fuels

    Fire extinction with on-board fire extinguisher

    Training gallery filled with smoke



    Theoretical/practical Aspects

    Survival techniques in water

    Technique of evacuation from the aircraft simulator



    Theoretical/practical Aspects

    First-aid principles

    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation notions

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