• Description

    The course provides the firefighting team members with firefighting training in accordance with the Ministerial Decree of March 10th, 1998.

  • Course program

    Theoretical Aspects


    Fire and prevention


    • Principles of combustion
    • Products of combustion
    • Extinguishing substances in relation to the type of fire
    • Fire effects on man
    • Restrictions and prohibition of operation
    • Behavioural measures


    Fire safety and procedures to be adopted in case of fire


    • Main fire safety measures
    • Evacuation in case of fire
    • Call for assistance


    Practical sessions


    • Examination of the fire prevention register and clarifications on the use of portable fire extinguishers
    • Training in the use of portable fire extinguishers, hoses and hydrants
    • Fire Extinction through powder extinguisher
    • Intervention of extinction on an electric box simulator in a closed environment (through CO2 extinguishers)
    • Use of hoses and hydrants, techniques of withdrawal and retraction


    Theoretical Aspects


    Fire and prevention


    • Principles of combustion
    • Products of combustion
    • Extinguishing substances in relation to the type of fire
    • Fire effects on man
    • Restrictions and prohibition of operation
    • Behavioural measures


    Fire safety and procedures to be adopted in case of fire


    • Main fire safety measures
    • Evacuation in case of fire
    • Call for assistance


    Practical sessions


    • Examination of the fire prevention register and clarifications on the use of portable fire extinguishers
    • Training in the use of portable fire extinguishers, hoses and hydrants
    • Fire Extinction through powder extinguisher
    • Intervention of extinction through CO2 extinguishers
    • Use of hoses and hydrants, techniques of withdrawal and retraction
  • Next dates
  • Certification


  • Prerequisites

    Basic Course

  • Purpose

    To provide an appropriate refresher training in terms of fire safety and prevention, specific risks linked to this activity with particular reference to the Ministerial Decree n.64 of March10,1998

  • Conducted by

    Instructors with a multi-year experience in the field of Firefighting, Safety Management and Accident Prevention.

  • Contents

    Theoretical refresher course on fire safety and prevention and practical firefighting refresher training

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