• Description

    The course provides the firefighting team members with an adequate firefighting training session in accordance with the Ministerial Decree 64, March 10th, 1998.

  • Course program

    Theoretical Aspects


    Fire and prevention


    –      Principles of combustion and fires

    • Extinguishing substances
    • The combustion triangle
    • Main causes of fire
    • Risks for people in case of fire
    • Main precautions to prevent fire



    Fire safety and procedures to be adopted in case of fire


    • Main safety measures against fire
    • Escape routes
    • Procedures to be adopted when a fire is discovered or in case of alert
    • Evacuation procedures
    • Relationship with the Fire Service
    • Fire extinguishing equipment/systems
    • Alarm systems
    • Safety and health signs
    • Emergency lighting


    Practical sessions


    • Clarifications about the most common extinguishing means
    • Clarifications about protective equipment
    • Training in the use of portable fire extinguishers, hoses and hydrants
    • Fire Extinction through powder extinguisher
    • Intervention of extinction on an electric box in a closed environment (through CO2 extinguishers)
    • Intervention in a room filled with smoke and use of respiratory protective devices
    • Use of hoses and hydrants, techniques of withdrawal and retraction
  • Next dates
  • Certification


  • Prerequisites


  • Purpose

    Fornire adeguata formazione in materia di prevenzione e protezione antincendio, sui rischi specifici dell’attività, in particolare riferita al DM 10/3/1998 n. 64

  • Conducted by

    Instructors with a multi-year experience in the field of Firefighting, Safety Management and Accidents Prevention

  • Contents

    Theoretical course on fire safety and prevention and practical firefighting training

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