FIRST AID AT WORK (BASIC): For Companies belonging to groups B and C

  • Description

    The course aims at the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and technical competences necessary to correctly manage the patient in the field of first aid intervention and develop an effective communication with the rescue service.

  • Course program

    Theoretical aspects

    • Alerting the emergency service:
      • Causes and circumstances of the accident (place, number of people involved, injured people conditions)
      • Communicating all these elements in a clear way to the emergency service
        • Recognizing a medical emergency:

    Scene of the accident:

    1. a) Collection of information;
    2. b) Likely and evident dangers prevision;
      • Assessment of the injured worker’s psychophysical conditions
    3. Vital functions (heartbeat, pressure, breathing)
    4. State of consciousness
    5. Hypothermia and hyperthermia;
      • Notions of anatomy and physiology relating to the cardiovascular and respiratory system
      • Self-breathing techniques for rescue team member


    • First aid intervention


    • Vital functions maintenance:
    1. a) Positioning of the injured and airway patiency manoeuvres
    2. b) Artificial respiration
    3. c) External cardiac massage;
    • Recognition and limits of first aid intervention
    1. a) Fainting, syncope, shock
    2. b) Acute Pulmonary oedema;
    3. c) Asthma attack
    4. d) Sternum-cardiac acute pain;
    5. e) Allergic reactions;
    6. f) convulsions
    7. g)  external haemorrhage and tamponade
      • Knowing the specific risks linked to the activity
      • Acquiring knowledge on traumas in work environments
    • Skeleton anatomy notions
    • Dislocations, fractures, complications
    • Brain and vertebral traumas.
    • Abdominal and thoracic traumas
      • Acquiring knowledge on work environments specific pathologies
    • Lesions caused by cold or heat.
    • Lesions caused by electricity.
    • Lesions caused by chemical agents.
    • Lacerated contused wounds
    • External haemorrhage

    Practical training

    • Acquiring practical skills necessary to first aid intervention
    • Techniques of communication with the emergency service
    • First aid techniques in case of acute cerebral syndromes
    • First aid techniques in case of acute respiratory failure
    • Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation techniques
    • Haemorrhagic tamponade
    • Lifting, moving and carrying of an injured person
    • First aid techniques in case of accidental exposure to chemical and biological agents
  • Next dates
  • Certification

    APT in accordance with Ministerial Decree n. 388 July 15, 2003

  • Prerequisites


  • Purpose

    To acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills to proceed to a first aid intervention and effectively communicate with the emergency service.

  • Conducted by

    Doctors and specialized medical staff

  • Contents

    Ministerial Decree n. 388 July 15, 2003 defines the course objectives and contents.

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