FIRST AID AT WORK (REFRESHER): For Companies belonging to groups B and C

  • Description

    The course provides basic knowledge to right activate the rescue chain. It includes theoretical lessons (which are supported by audiovisual material) and practical sessions.

  • Course program

    Theoretical Aspects:

    Review of all topics discussed during the basic course.

    Practical session:

    • To acquire practical skills in first aid intervention.
    • Techniques of communication with the National Healthcare System.
    • First aid techniques in case of acute cerebral syndromes.
    • First aid techniques in case of acute respiratory failure.
    • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques.
    • Hemorrhagic Tamponade techniques.
    • How to lift, move and carry a traumatized person.
    • First Aid techniques in case of accidental exposure to chemical or biological agents.
  • Next dates

    03/24 July

    08/29 August

    18/25 September

    09/23 October

    06/20 November

    04/18 December

  • Certification

    APT Certification according to decree n. 388, July 15, 2003

  • Prerequisites


  • Purpose

    To consolidate and deepen knowledge about first aid intervention (already aquired during the basic course).

  • Conducted by

    Medical Staff

  • Contents

    The ministerial program defines the course objectives and contents:

    Activation of the first aid system, recognition of a health emergency, first aid intervention, notions of trauma, specific pathologies and capacity for practical intervention. A particular focus will be on an effective reaction to cardiac arrest and on an effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

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