• Description

    The course aims to provide basic aeronautical knowledge in order to achieve the RPAS Pilot Certificate (Non-Critical Operations) issued by ENAC, and to transfer main procedures and maneuvers for RPAS with aircraft having operating take-off mass of less than 250 g

  • Program

    Theoretical / Practical aspects

    • Theoretical / Practical aspects
    • Air rules application
    • Flight and risks safety
    • Aeronautical regulations
    • Limits to human performance
    • Basic operating procedures
    • Knowledge of RPA systems
    • Privacy and data protection aspects
    • Insurance notions
    • Security aspects
  • Next sessions

    To be defined

  • Prerequisites

    Minimum age of 16

  • Certification

    Apt Safety Group certificate

  • Conducted by

    Flight Instructors (FI APR) recognized by ENAC

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