• Description

    The course provides information necessary to prevent and avoid hazards due to H2S.
    It includes a theoretical part and practical sessions during which all the participants will be required to show their knowledge of the course contents.

  • Course program

    Theoretical Aspects

    – What is H2S?
    – Where do we find it?
    – Physical and chemical features
    – Toxicological features:

    • smell
    • toxicity
    • tolerability
    • intoxication

    – Intervention procedures
    – Atmospheric dispersion of H2S

    – Portable or fixed detection equipment

    – Airway protective equipment

    • Breathing apparatus (SBCA)
    • air-line installation

    Practical session
    Use of “escape” devices
    Use of “Air-Line” devices

  • Next dates

    Weekly frequency

  • Certification


  • Prerequisites


  • Purpose

    To provide information on H2S hazards prevention and protection

  • Conducted by

    Instructors with a multi-year experience in this field

  • Contents

    Theoretical aspects

    What is H2S?

    Where do we find it?

    Physical, chemical and toxicological characteristics

    Airway protection

    Intervention procedures

    Equipment for airway protection

    Practical session

    Use of “escape ”devices

    Use of “Air-Line” devices

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