• Description

    The course addressed to deck officers allows them to acquire knowledge and competences in terms of work team management in accordance with the code STCW and the decree of December 12th, 2015 issued by the General Command of Port Authorities.

  • Course program


    1. Behavioural code – competences to develop
    1. Bridge resources management
    • Basic principles
    • Identification of safety manager: his role is valid even when the commander and the pilot are on board
    • Clear and decisive communication
    • How to define priorities and resources distribution
    • Showing how it is important to define an effective/efficient communication between team members
    • Showing how it is important to define an effective/efficient communication with the pilot
    • Showing the efficiency of information exchange
    • Defining a situational leadership
    • How to face up with situations and find answers
    • How to obtain and keep situations awareness
    • How to judge appropriate the answers to problems
    • Capacity for deal with difficult situations
    1. On-board personnel management and training
    • Crew organisation, authority and responsibilities
    • Cultural awareness, characteristics, attitudes, behaviors, intercultural communication
    • On-board situations, informal social structures
    • The human error, situations awareness, self-satisfaction, boredom
    • Leadership and teamworking
    • Training organisation on board
    • Personal and behavioural capacities
    • Behavioural analysis of real cases of maritime accidents
    1. Capacity for assigning tasks on the basis of workloads
    • Planning and coordination
    • Personnel assignment
    • Human limits
    • Personal capacities
    • Times and resources
    • Priorities
    • Workloads, rest, fatigue
    • Leadership management models
    • Capacity to answer to every situation
    • Behavioural analysis of real cases of maritime accidents
    1. Resources effective management
    • Effective communication on board and on ground
    • Priorities definition, distribution and assignment of resources
    • The decision process which consider group experience
    • Leadership, assertion and motivation
    • Situation awareness
    • Evaluation of work performances
    • Short-term/long-term strategies
    • Behavioural analysis of real cases of maritime accidents
    1. Capacity to apply the techniques relating to the decision-making process
    • Risk and situation evaluation
    • Possible actions to consider and identify
    • How to act
    • Problem solving techniques
    • Authority and assertion
    • Judgement
    • Emergency and crowd management
    • Behavioural analysis of real cases of maritime accidents
    1. International conventions and national legislation
    • International maritime conventions – SOLAS, MARPOL, STCW, MLC – Role of the maritime international organisation, ILO
    • National legislation
  • Next dates

    to be defined

  • Certification

    Certificate recognized by general command of the Coast Guard

    (only after passing both theoretical and practical tests)

  • Prerequisites

    Basic course

  • Purpose

    The course (in accordance whit the STCW code of December 12th, 2015) aims at helping deck officers improve their work team management

  • Conducted by

    Instructors who have been authorized by the general command of the Coast Guard through decree issued by the Minister of infrastructures and transport

  • Contents

    Theoretical aspects

    Behavioural code- competences to develop

    Management of deck resources

    Management and training of on-board personnel

    Resources effective management

    How to make a decision

    International conventions and national legislation

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