Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) – (American Heart Association)

  • Description

    The PALS course focuses attention on the recognition of cardiovascular emergencies in the pediatric patient (child and infant) and their immediate treatment. Particular attention is paid to the differential diagnosis between distress and respiratory failure and to the related pharmacological and mechanical treatment through basic and advanced management of the airways. The course includes modules on arrhythmias and shocks. As a standard for American Heart Association courses, the dynamics of a high-performance team play a central role in teaching.

    During the PALS course, the learner will learn to recognize and manage cardiocirculatory and respiratory arrest in children and infants, as well as the management of unstable arrhythmias in this type of patient. He will also learn to apply the most effective relationship dynamics in order to guarantee the best performance of the resuscitation team, in addition to post-cardiac arrest treatments, aimed at improving the patient’s course. Part of the course will then be dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of shock cases.

  • Program

    Theoretical and practical aspects

    • High-quality Child CPR AED and Infant CPR
    • Recognition of patients who do and do not require immediate intervention
    • Recognition of cardiopulmonary arrest early and application of CPR within 10 seconds
    • Apply team dynamics
    • Differentiation between respiratory distress and failure
    • Early interventions for respiratory distress and failure
    • Differentiation between compensated and decompensated (hypotensive) shock
    • Early interventions for the treatment of shock
    • Differentiation between unstable and stable patients with arrhythmias
    • Clinical characteristics of instability in patients with arrhythmias
    • Post–cardiac arrest management
  • Next sessions
    • 04-05/04/2020
    • 09-10/05/2020
    • 13-14/05/2020
    • 11-12/07/2020
  • Prerequisites

    The course requires a preventive study of the manual which will be provided to the participants before the start of the course. The manual resumes all the topics covered within the course. Learners will participate in simulated clinical scenarios and learning stations.

  • Certification

    PALS operator certificate – American Heart Association

  • Conducted by

    PALS Instructors – American Heart Association

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