• Description

    The course provides firefighting team members with specific training to deal with cases of intervention in which the use of respiratory protective devices is necessary.

  • Course program

    Theoretical aspects


    • Recognizing cases where the self-contained breathing apparatus is necessary:
    • High temperature air
    • Suboxygenated atmospheres
    • Mixture of air and toxic products


    • Breathing physiology:
    • Airway system (how human breathing works)
    • Mechanisms that control breathing frequency and air consumption
    • Respiratory muscles and types of breathing (thoracic, diaphragmatic and clavicular)


    • Breathing techniques
    • r-ebt
    • skip breathing
    • breathing aimed at the intervention performance


    • respiratory protective devices:
    • devices which are depending on the environment atmosphere
    • devices which are not depending on the environment atmosphere


    • Hygiene and healthiness standards
    • Contaminated PPE management after intervention


    Practical sessions


    • Breathing work:
    • Breathing test, use of breathing techniques


    • Use of respiratory protective devices:
    • Checks before the intervention
    • Devices wearing/removing
    • Familiarization with devices
    • Breathing test, use of respiratory protective devices
  • Next dates

    Weekly frequency

  • Certification


  • Prerequisites


  • Purpose

    To provide the emergency team members with a specific training aimed at using protective devices in case of intervention

  • Conducted by

    Instructors with a multi-year experience in the field of Firefighting, Safety Management and Accident Prevention

  • Contents

    Theoretical aspects

    Recognition of cases where the airway protective devices are necessary

    Breathing physiology

    Breathing technique to preserve air

    Airway protective devices

    hygiene and healthiness standards to consider after the intervention

    practical sessions

    Breathing tests

    Practical tests with the use of respiratory protective devices

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