• Description

    The course allows to learn and apply RPAS professional management knowledge for HSE applications in BVLOS, i.e., for operations with a range such that the procedures for avoiding collisions cannot be applied by visual observation. Systems and procedures knowledge for the aircraft control will be acquired, as well as the factors that influence the navigation both in normal and emergency conditions

  • Program

    Theoretical / Practical aspects

    • Safety
    • Aeronautical regulation
    • Airworthiness
    • Operating procedures
    • RPAS control mode
    • Meteorology
    • Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
    • Basic knowledge of aeronautical communications
    • Introduction of SORA risk analysis
    • Practical sessions on specific scenarios
    • Skill test with RPAS Examiner
  • Next sessions

    To be defined

  • Prerequisites

    RPAS Pilot Certificate in VLOS Critical Operations and at least 36 flight missions of 10 minute in Critical Operations

  • Certification

    RPAS Pilot Certificate in EVLOS/BVLOS Critical Operations

  • Conducted by

    Flight Instructors (FI APR) recognized by ENAC

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