• Description

    The course provides the personnel with instructions on the right procedures concering entry and emergency in confined spaces and environments suspected of being polluted.

  • Course program

    Theoretical aspects


    • Premise
    • Law framework:
      • Presidential decree 177: Areas suspected of pollution and confined spaces
      • Art 66 legislative decree 81,2008: Activities in areas suspected of pollution
      • Art.121 legislative decree 81,2008: Gases presence in excavations


    • Illustrated manual for activities in areas suspected of pollution and confined spaces
    • Definition of confined spaces
    • Risks related to confined spaces
    • Characteristics of confined spaces
    • Work permit
    • Isolation
    • Dangerous substances and explosive atmosphere checks
    • Ventilation
    • Gas detectors and use
    • Types of toxic gases
    • Communication
    • Confined spaces equipment
    • Tripod and fall protection devices
    • Airway protection devices
    • Emergency management in confined spaces


    Practical session

    • Helmet with chinstraps use
    • Harness use
    • Use of airway protective devices(demonstration)
    • Use of self-contained breathing apparatus (smoke room)
    • Use of tripod and fall protection devices (self-rescue)
    • (Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus EEBA)


    Practical sessions

    –      Use of Helmet with chinstraps

    –      Harness use

    –      Use of airway protective devices(demonstration)

    –      Use of self-contained breathing apparatus (smoke room)

    –      Use of tripod and fall protection devices (self-rescue)

    –      Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus EEBA

    –     Multi-gas detection system

    –    Installation: tripod and connected equipment (retractable fall arrester turning into a recuperator, winch

    watchman retractable fall arrester…)

    –     Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus SCBA use

    –     Cascade Airline Breathing Apparatus CABA use

    –     CABA system emergency

    –      Emergency rescue simulation (extrication) through lifting devices and procedures

  • Next dates
  • Certification


  • Prerequisites


  • Purpose

    To provide the personnel with adequate instructions on procedures concerning the entry in areas of suspected pollution or confined spaces

  • Conducted by

    Instructors with a multi-year experience in the field

  • Contents

    Theoretical aspects

    Definition of confined space

    Risks related to confined spaces

    Confined spaces characteristics

    Dangerous substances control

    Equipment suitable for entry in and exit from confined spaces


    Practical sessions

    Helmet with chinstraps use

    Harness use

    Use of airway protective devices(demonstration)

    Use of self-contained breathing apparatus (smoke room)

    Use of tripod and fall protection devices (self-rescue)

    Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus EEBA

    Multi-gas detection system

    Installation: tripod and connected equipment (retractable fall arrester turning into a recuperator, winch, watchman retractable fall arrester…)

    Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus SCBA use

    Cascade Airline Breathing Apparatus CABA use

    CABA system emergency

    Emergency rescue simulation (extrication) through lifting devices and procedures

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