The course is structured to provide knowledge of tactics and techniques for firefighting in a confined environment. The course is divided into theoretical and practical sessions
The course is structured to provide knowledge of tactics and techniques for firefighting in a confined environment. The course is divided into theoretical and practical sessions
The course is structured to provide the knowledge and techniques to deal with indoor fires and be able to be able to assess all the phenomena that may develop. The course is divided into theoretical and practical sessions.
Provide specific training to deal with interventions where the use of respiratory protective equipment is required
The course is structured to provide adequate interventional knowledge in the presence of natural gas and LPG. The course is divided into a theoretical and a practical session in the field.
The course is structured to provide adequate interventional knowledge in the presence of alternative fuel vehicles.
The LNG course is structured to provide adequate interventional knowledge for the management of interventions in the presence of liquefied natural gas.
Provide adequate instructions on the characteristics and procedures for using foams in different types of low/medium/high expansion on various types of fires. The course is divided into a theory session and two practical sessions on the use of cold and hot fire fighting foams.
The course is structured to provide adequate instruction in advanced procedures and manoeuvres to be performed in the event of a water rescue in critical (adverse weather) conditions.
The course is divided into a theory session and two practical sessions held in the pool and in open water
The course is structured to provide adequate instruction on the procedures and manoeuvres to be performed in the event of a rescue operation in water. The course is divided into a theory session and a practical session held in the pool.
The course is designed to provide the necessary knowledge of rescue procedures in river, stream and current open water situations. The course is divided into theoretical and practical sessions held in open water (river or stream).
The Helo Dunker course is structured to provide correct evacuation procedures from the aircraft in the event of a ditching and rescue techniques for survivors
The course is structured to give participants a general overview of techniques for rxtrication casualties and stabilising crashed vehicles. As well as giving notions on the correct use of the most common extrication equipment: shears, hydraulic spreaders and telescopic cylinders.
Via delle Azalee, 21
Sant’Alessio con Vialone (PV), Italia
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